Where To Put The Cat Litter Box In Your Home

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Where To Put The Cat Litter Box In Your Home

Apr 25, 2022

When you ask people “what is your favourite room in your home?”, most of us will answer with a room that we feel the most comfortable in.  Comfort rooms usually have a relaxing and serene atmosphere that we retreat to as a safe haven for some. And our fur babies are no exception. 

Your cat’s litter box has to be in a place where your cat can go about its business as it pleases.  Placing it is not a problem when you have a spacious household. But what if you have limited space at home and dedicating an exclusive space for your cat is not entirely possible? Here are some things to remember when looking for an optimal space for your pet’s litter box. 

You and your cat have similar needs.

When we think of our own comfort rooms, we want it to be in an accessible and convenient area in the house. Your cat is not too different. Your cat’s litter box should be placed in an area that is not too far from where your cat usually hangs out. It should also be in a place you can access easily for regular cleaning. Remember, like you, your cat likes its litter box to be clean and always ready for use.

Give your cat some privacy.

Bathroom time is a private time so it is also best to ensure that your cat’s litter box is in a private and secure place. If possible, try to come up with something that can conceal your cat’s litter box, be it a curtain, cover or a roof, to provide some sort of refuge for your pet. The bathroom is a popular place for a litter box as it is tidy and away from other parts of the home while also making clean-up more convenient. As long as the area you choose gives your cat some leg room to do what it needs to do without being bothered, then that is a good spot!

Give your cat a place that is quiet and free from distractions.

Who would like to do “personal business” in a place where there is high traffic or lots of noise? Nothing is relaxing and calming about that! Your cat needs its litter box to be in an area where there are minimal disturbances when it needs to relieve itself.  If you can arrange your furniture to provide a secluded place that only your cat can access, you can help your cat take bathroom breaks in peace.

Check if your cat likes it.

If it is the first time your cat uses the litter box in a new place, be sure to be there and observe to see how your pet finds it. If the litter box works well for your cat, then great! If not, adjust the location bit by bit and adjust accordingly depending on how your pet responds to it. 

One important thing to remember, aside from the location, is how to ensure that your cat’s litter box is clean and safe, not only for your pet but for your household as well. Fifi Litter is your solution to that! Fifi Litter will help you keep the odor, dust and clumps in control to make it easier for you to maintain the cleanliness and orderliness of your cat’s litter box. Give it a try now and enjoy a non-toxic and hassle-free way to clean your cat’s litter box!
